To enroll in one of our classes please complete this form. If you have questions about a class or would like to request private sessions, please click the corresponding instructor name below to send an email. Course participation requires training director and/or instructor consent. Course fees are listed beow. Private sessions begin at $20 for 30 minutes.
What do you expect from your class? Better House Member Compete in AKC Events
Behavior Issues? Yes No If yes, please state behavioral issues:
If the class limit of 12 participants is reached, are you interested in the next course session? Yes No Please select an item.
Fee: The training fee will be payable on the first day of class.
The cost for a 7 or 8-week session is $75 if this is the first class you have taken at MKKC. The cost is $65 if this is the second class you have taken at MKKC. We do offer a $10 discount to individuals with shelter or foster dogs. Current rabies vaccinations are required. The same owner/trainer must attend all classes. Owners/trainers under 18 years of age must have instructor approval. Class size is limited to 12 participants.
Please remit payment and current rabies vaccination records on the first night of class. Alternatively, you may also mail payment 10 days prior to class start date to: Manhattan Kansas Kennel Club, P.O. Box 73, Manhattan, KS 66505.
Your instructor and/or the training director will confirm your course enrollment by email confirmation within three business days.
It is understood that I will not hold the Manhattan Kansas Kennel Club (MKKC), its members or officers, responsible for any accidents that may occur to my person, or my personal property, including dogs, before, during, or upon completion of a training class. Handlers must be physically capable of controlling their dogs at all times and must be able to make proper corrections during class. The MKKC policy requires that there will be NO AGGRESSIVE DOGS on the premises where classes are held before, during or after class sessions. I agree to the above statements and certify that my dog(s) is (are) current on vaccinations as recommended by a veterinarian and is (are) free of any external and internal parasites.
(Typed signature below represents your agreement to this Policy Statement.)
A value is required.